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Ideal Customer Profiles
(per month)
ad / post / marketing task = 1 credit
$ per month:
$199 $99
Get started
$799 $399
Get started

7-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.

If you're not happy with our product:
1.Email us at
2.We'll refund you within 24 hours of your request.

I, Ihor Dervishov, founder of M1-project, personally guarantee this and am always here to help - check out my LinkedIn.

We want you to feel confident and worry-free when you choose us!

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Try our other products:

All-Inclusive Package: 50% Off Every 3rd ICP Report!
per 1 ICP report
Get my ICP Report
  • 1 Ideal Company Profile description (only for B2B)
  • 1 Buyer Persona description (for all businesses)
  • 20 blocks of information about your target market
  • 30+ key resources and places where to find your audience
  • Actionable insights on promoting your solution
  • 5+ channels to communicate with your customers
per 1 marketing strategy
Create Your Strategy
  • 10 chapters of comprehensive marketing strategy
  • 20+ pages of insight and analysis that usually take months to collect
  • 7+ promotional channels for your solution
  • 7-day money-back guarantee
Per 1 Facebook campaign
Create Facebook Campaign
  • 15 ready-to-use Facebook ads tailored to your business
  • All advertising campaign settings
  • Easy-to-use targeting guide to set up the campaign in ~5 minutes

You made it this far,
why not make it official?